Our Contracts
Global Sensor Management (GSM)

The GSM Support contract provides Advisory and Assistance Support (A&AS) to the United States Space Command (USSPACECOM)/J31, Global Sensor Management Division. The GSM initiative provides A&AS to USSPACECOM and their supported Combatant Commands (CCMD), US European Command (USEUCOM), US Central Command (USCENTCOM), and U.S. Indo-Pacific Command (USINDOPACOM). The GSM has responsibility for generating globally informed risk decisions and recommendations regarding sensor Command and Control (C2) and in the prioritization in the employment of assigned and unassigned Space Domain Awareness (SDA), Missile Warning (MW), and Missile Defense (MD) sensors in optimizing support of all mission areas, national priorities, and decision making.

In support of our national defense team, SES has provided Quality Assurance and Quality Engineering functions for USSTRATCOM Nuclear Command, Control and Communications Enterprise Center (NEC) since being awarded the contract in July 2018. We are heavily involved in the system certification process for multiple missile systems to include ITW/AA, TES and Space Surveillance and Control Systems.

Our SES team proudly supports the Air Force 67th Cyber Wing with management, engineering and technical services to sustain 67 CW Operations. We also provide the technical support necessary to evolve/sustain the Cyber infrastructure as well as data and processes. Included are Cyber Vulnerability Assessments to AF weapon and support systems in various stages of development as well as supporting the new USCYBERCOM’s Cyber Mission Forces initiative.

In partnership with Blackhawk Management Corporation under the Warhawk joint venture, SES provides Safety and Mission Assurance (SMA) support to Boeing’s Space and Launch. These efforts are utilized on the International Space Station and Commercial Crew programs for logistics and maintenance.
Contract Vehicles

SES is a contract holder for the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) One Acquisition Solution for Integrated Services (OASIS) Small Business (SB) contract vehicle for both Pools 1 and 3. OASIS SB is a family of Multiple Award, Indefinite Delivery, Indefinite Quantity (MA-IDIQ) task order contracts for Government-wide professional service based requirements which is available for use by all Federal agencies and other entities. OASIS SB allows for all contract types at the task order level (e.g., Cost-Reimbursement (all types), Fixed-Price (all types), Time-and-Materials, and Labor-Hour). Task orders may also combine more than one contract type (e.g., FFP/Cost, FFP/Labor Hour etc.). Additionally, task orders may include incentives, performance based measures, multi-year or option periods, and commercial or non-commercial items. For more information, please visit One Acquisition Solution for Integrated Services(OASIS).

SES was selected as an awardee for the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) One Acquisition Solution for Integrated Services Plus (OASIS+) contract vehicle for both SB (#47QRCA25DSC65) and SDVOSB (#47QRCA24DV068). This award recognizes our capabilities and expertise in providing valuable services to the federal government.
OASIS+ is a suite of governmentwide, multi-award contracts designed to support federal agencies’ procurement requirements for services-based solutions. This suite of services contracts is available for use by agencies throughout the Federal Government who hold a Delegation of Procurement Authority (DPA). The contract base period is five (5) years with one (1) option period of five (5) years that may extend the cumulative contract ordering period to 10 years. For more information about OASIS+, please visit About OASIS+.
Through our SB and SDVOSB OASIS+ contracts, SES is able to offer services in the following domains:
Management and Advisory Domain - This Domain includes a full range of management and consulting services that can improve a Federal agency’s performance, its endeavors to meet mission goals, and provide operating advice and assistance on administrative and management issues.
Technical and Engineering Domain - This Domain includes requirements to provide specific engineering, geoscience, or other technical professional skills, such as those performed by engineers, geologists, geophysicists, and technicians, required to handle specific operating conditions and problems for the benefit of the Government. Work under this Domain typically involves the application of physical laws and principles of engineering in the design, development, and utilization of machines, materials, instruments, processes, and systems, and providing expert advice and assistance on technical functions and issues.
Intelligence Services Domain - This Domain focuses on Command, Control, Communications, Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance mission requirements. Organizational and technological capabilities improve situational awareness and enhance command and control strategies within defense and intelligence environments.
For inquiries or to learn more about SES’ capabilities under the OASIS+ contract, please contact:
· OASIS+ SB Inquiries: oasisplus-sb@sessolutions.com
· OASIS+ SDVOSB Inquiries: oasisplus-sdvosb@sessolutions.com

The United States Strategic Command Systems and Missions Support (USAMS) III IDIQ contract in support of US Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM) has nine (9) awardees. The SES Team is comprised of the following companies: Abacus, Adjuvant, All Native Group (ANC), AT&T, Aviture, Cyber Innovation, HP ES, Innove’, Ironbow, Kratos, LATA, LATG, Mega Tech, Mosaic, Odyssey, Pemdas, Quantum, SGT, Soft Concept, Ticom, Toeroek, Vencore, Dai and SIM&S.
Team SES provides A&AS support to the nine (9) mission areas that comprise USSTRATCOM as well as augmented organizations. The mission areas include:
- Strategic Deterrence
- Space Operations
- Cyberspace Operations
- Joint Electronic Warfare
- Global Strike
- Missile Defense
- Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance
- Combating Weapons of Mass Destruction
- Analysis and Targeting

The SES team was awarded a position on the Department of Veteran Affairs’ VECTOR contract for Cat 6 - HR & Staffing. The Veteran Enterprise Contracting for Transformation and Operational Readiness (VECTOR) is an exciting initiative awarded to Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Businesses (SDVOSBs) like SES. Sixty-eight other SDVOSB companies received awards for this 10-year, $25 billion contract vehicle that covers general management and business support services to Department of Veteran Affairs.